HYDRA TitanX Distribution

This page only talks about the TitanX that people use to create Hydra miners and what the Hydra protocol does with it.

To mine Hydra, people use TITANX + time. the TITANX runs through smart contracts as shown below. All used to strengthen the TitanX ecosystem: Step 1 - TitanX Distribution 20% of the TITANX gets sent directly to the DRAGONX Vault 80% of the TITANX buys DRAGONX via the TITANX/DRAGONX LP on Uniswap v3

Step 2 - from the DRAGONX bought off of market:

20% of the DRAGONX bought gets burned forever the remaining 80% of the DRAGONX bought gets used to buy & burn HYDRA via DRAGONX/HYDRA LP on Uniswap V3 100% of the HYDRA bought with DRAGONX is burned.

This creates a deflation effect on both TITANX (20% gets staked & re-staked forever in the DragonX Vault) and DRAGONX (burning 20% of DRAGONX bought off of market).

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